Mothers: Can You Negotiate Child Custody With A Narcissist?
Please read Patricia Fersch’s latest Forbes article by clicking here: Mothers: Can You Negotiate Child Custody With A Narcissist?
Poised. Caring. Experienced. Effective.
Please read Patricia Fersch’s latest Forbes article by clicking here: Mothers: Can You Negotiate Child Custody With A Narcissist?
Please read Patricia Fersch’s latest article by clicking here: The Perils In Court For The So-Called ‘Self-Represented’
Please read Patricia Fersch’s latest article by clicking here: Gender Bias In The Courts: Women Are Not Believed
Please read Patricia Fersch’s latest Forbes article by clicking here: Can I Reduce My Child Support Payments Because I Am Now Unemployed?
Patricia Fersch provides a chillingly truthful account of how revenge plays out in child custody cases. Read her latest Forbes article here: Revenge As The Motivator In Child Custody Cases
Patricia Fersch’s most recent Forbes article explores the subject of children testifying in court. When Can Children Testify In A Contested Child Custody Case?
Read Patricia Fersch’s latest Forbes article detailing how abusers use the legal system as a weapon in domestic violence cases. Domestic Violence in the Courtroom: The Legal System as a Weapon in Domestic Violence Cases
Read Patricia Fersch’s most recent Forbes article here: Financial Abuse is Domestic Violence
Patricia Fersch explores biases towards women in court. Read her latest Forbes article here. Why are Women not Heard in a Court of Law?
Patricia Fersch’s latest Forbes Article discusses what courts need to know in order to understand the impact of domestic violence in custody cases. What Courts Need to Understand About Victims of Domestic Violence